How to Get a 10x Increase in Traffic from Social With Our Proven Link-Building Strategies

Hey friends! Buckle up, because I’m going to share how I grew traffic from social media by more than 10X in just six months. And I didn’t rely on fancy paid strategies either – just good old-fashioned link-building.

Links Are Your Traffic Growth Engine

First, a quick refresher on why link-building is so critical for growth. Basically, links signal to Google and other search engines that your content is legit. The more quality sites link to you, the more authority you gain, and the higher your pages will rank in search results. Higher rankings means more visibility, which leads to more traffic. It’s a beautiful organic cycle!

I also noticed our entire domain authority and our brand increased with the social media and branding for our business by using the budget web solution Over time as we scored links from larger sites in our niche. So focusing on link-building benefited our whole site, not just certain pages.

Our Traffic Was Stuck in a Rut

I started focusing on link-building because our traffic had plateaued. We were publishing great content, but growth was flat.

I knew we needed external sites to link to us to spur ongoing growth. Relying just on social sharing and internal linking wasn’t enough.

How I 10X’d Traffic with Laser-Focused Link-Building

I’m proud to say that only 6 months after kicking off our link-building campaigns, our social traffic had exploded by 1000%.

Here are the 3 tactics that I focused on to drive this rapid growth:

Tactic #1: Guest Posting like a Maniac

Guest posting on authoritative sites related to your niche is one of the most effective ways to earn quality backlinks. So I made it a priority.

First, I researched and identified over 100 high-authority websites that were relevant targets for us. These included major publications and influencer blogs in the social media marketing space.

For each site, I tailored unique pitches explaining why a guest post would provide value for their audience. This took a while, but personalized pitches convert much better.

In total, I landed guest posts on 15 large sites within a few months. The posts linked back to various pieces of content on our site.

From these high-authority guest posts alone, we saw a 5X increase in referral traffic within a month!

Tactic #2: Creating Link-Worthy Roundup Resources

I also tapped into “roundup” or “listicle” style posts to attract more links. These posts aggregate resources on a topic and naturally link out to other sites.

For example, I created the “Top 50 Social Media Marketing Leaders to Follow” highlighting influencers in our niche. Posts like this became link magnets, as the influencers linked to them to showcase their inclusion.

We saw steady growth thanks to roundups on high-traffic sites within our niche. Don’t underestimate them for scoring quality links!

Tactic #3: Link Reclamation to the Rescue

Finally, I used link reclamation to revive old links from existing placements that had broken over time.

I used tools like Ahrefs to discover links we had earned in the past that were now dead or redirected.

With some outreach, I was able to get most of these links fixed to point back to live content on our site again.

Reclaiming these links resulted in a nice boost in referral traffic from domains we already had a relationship with. It’s like found money!

Link-Building Fuels Ongoing Growth

There you have it – with relentless guest posting, roundups, and link reclamation, I 10X’d our social traffic in just 6 months. It took consistency and patience, but each link built momentum.

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  • 2 Revisions to the initial design
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Standard Business Website

$899.00 – $2499.00

  • Design of  1 original layout concept
  • 3 Revisions to the initial design
  • Includes up to 7 -10 pages
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  • 10-20 Blog Post SEO Optimized
  • Dynamic email contact form (sends you an email)
  • Built on WordPress / basic theme
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  • Includes basic SEO (search engine optimization) and Google My Business set up and launch
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Deluxe Business Website

$2499.00 – $7499.00

  • Design of  1 original layout concept
  • 3 Revisions to your selected design
  • Includes up to 10-20 pages
  • 5 -10 Landing Pages
  • 50-70 Blog Post SEO Optimized
  • Dynamic email contact form (sends you an email)
  • Built on Advanced WordPress with theme matching business goals
  • SSL Certificate updated quarterly
  • Advanced Plugins
  • Includes advanced SEO (search engine optimization, Google my business setup, &  webmaster tools.
  • Includes 1 year of free web hosting and SSL Certificate
  • free domain name
  • 3 months free website maintenance-$39.99 Monthly